How Toy Story x-rays helped a hospital help kids

Vicky Quinn Fraser
2 min readApr 11, 2018


Question: How do you help kids not be afraid of x-rays?

Answer: Use your imagination and x-ray the cast of Toy Story.

That’s exactly what Disney and Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin did.

They’ve put together an advertising campaign featuring Buzz Lightyear, Slinky, and the entire cast of Toy Story.

All the toys have their own x-ray and a comment to show kids who have to have an x-ray that it’s not scary at all — and all the x-rays are displayed in the waiting rooms.

How cool is that?

I love this campaign because it’s coming at the problem from the kids’ point of view. Kids love Toy Story, and they also find their own bodies fascinating.

X-ray machines are big scary things, so how do you reduce their fear? Show them some pics of their favourite characters getting x-rayed.

Another idea to add to your swipe file and get you doing things a little differently.

Speaking of doing things differently, that’s exactly what I talk about in my daily emails.

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About the Author

Vicky Fraser

Please do share any articles from this site in part or in full — as long as you leave all links intact, give credit to the author, and include a link to this website and the following bio. Vicky is a gin-quaffing, pole-dancing, trapeze-swinging copywriter who writes about the perils and joys of writing, velociraptor training, and running a small business. She writes this stuff on her websites and She’s the author of one book (with two more in utero) and teaches small business owners how to write copy that sells, and how to be more fecking interesting. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

