One-step fix for spaghetti brain

Spaghetti brain. That’s what I have today.
(And I have Carol, whom I met a couple of weekends ago at the Poodle to Pitbull Pet Biz Bootcamp to thank for that term)
You know when your thoughts are scattered, you have a bazillion and one things to do, and you’re not where you usually are so you can’t easily dive into a bucket of tea!
Today, I’m working from Joe’s offices, I have lots of calls booked in, and I have to perambulate a looooooong way to the kettle.
So my day started later than usual.
So I’m only now emailing you.
And I have what’s technically known as spaghetti brain.
But all this just highlights how well my scheduled day usually works, you see.
One of my calls was with someone who Borrowed My Brain this morning, and I’m going to share with you one big tip I gave her:
Plan your day the night before, and make the first two hours of each day your own.
No client work. No emails. No firefighting.
Spend the first two hours working on your business, on your big project that’s going to take you closer to your goal.
This is, by far, the most valuable thing I can do.
So I’m sharing it with you today. At the end of today, when you’re looking back on what you’ve done, plan tomorrow. Schedule it out.
And build in two hours (or AT LEAST one hour) first thing to work on your stuff.
Then sign up to my daily emails, and take action on the juicy tidbits I will send to your inbox.
Sign up here:
About the Author
Vicky Fraser
Please do share any articles from this site in part or in full — as long as you leave all links intact, give credit to the author, and include a link to this website and the following bio. Vicky is a gin-quaffing, pole-dancing, trapeze-swinging copywriter who writes about the perils and joys of writing, velociraptor training, and running a small business. She writes this stuff on her websites and She’s the author of one book (with two more in utero) and teaches small business owners how to write copy that sells, and how to be more fecking interesting. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.