Put out poo and you’ll attract flies

Vicky Quinn Fraser
3 min readSep 9, 2017

Overheard in a Facebook group:

“My husband (builder) won’t go to customers jobs in the car only his van. And if he has to he’ll park further away and walk. He’s had comments on “flash cars” before. One car was a 10 year old Honda civic type r but because it was in good condition and had a private plate the customer seemed to imply he was going to rip them off?!”

Everything you do is marketing. Everything.

From the way you answer the phone, to the clothes you wear, to the words you use, to the car you drive.

The way you present yourself will determine the type of customer or client you attract to you.

The snippet above is extremely instructional if you’ve eyes to hear and ears to read…

Those customers who think they’ll be ripped off by a builder with a nice car? They’re scarcity-minded dickheads, to put it bluntly.

And the builder should walk briskly away from them.

Because let me ask you something: would you rather employ a builder in a shitty old van who looks like he’s struggling and desperate for work?

Or would you rather your builder was someone who’s successful, smart, and has a waiting list as long as your arm?

After all, this is only your home you’re modifying, right?

If you have a lovely, new, well-kept car and you’re smart, and you have people chomping at the bit to work with you, you will attract the kind of customers and clients who are looking for value, not price. Those who want the best they can afford for their homes and families.

Just a little Friday thought for you.

A lot of this is mindset stuff. Not woo-woo nonsense, but vital shifts in the way you think about yourself, wealth, ambition, goals, and the type of people you want to attract into your business.

But it can take time to build up that mindset, because making changes within yourself is the hardest of all.

The good news is, though, that what you put out there shapes who you are inside, too. So if you start marketing yourself in such a way that people’s perceptions of you change, your perception of yourself will begin to change.

I know this, because it’s happened to me.

Sign up to my daily emails and I will show you how to plan and construct your marketing and copy in exactly the way you need to attract the kind of customers you want.

Mosey on over here and get a rocket up your bum:


About the Author
Vicky Fraser

Please do share any articles from this site in part or in full — as long as you leave all links intact, give credit to the author, and include a link to this website and the following bio. Vicky is a gin-quaffing, pole-dancing, trapeze-swinging copywriter who writes about the perils and joys of writing, velociraptor training, and running a small business. She writes this stuff on her websites vickyfraser.comand cookiesforbreakfast.co.uk. She’s the author of one book (with two more in utero) and teaches small business owners how to write copy that sells, and how to be more fecking interesting. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

